[AusNOG] Highest ADSL2 internet connection speed

Matthew Moyle-Croft mmc at internode.com.au
Wed Jul 28 10:01:04 EST 2010

When we provide a DSL service you create a line profile.  This determines a lot of things about the line and can greatly affect the speed.  eg. how much SnR margin to cope with noise.

I suspect you're seeing a line which is sync'ing to the maximum of it's profile (24575kbps being 1kbps less than exactly 24Mbps which is a common limit applied).

So, the maximum can be tweaked, but the highest != best.


On 28/07/2010, at 8:40 AM, Darren Moss wrote:

Hi Paul,

Now that would be decent broadband, but I am guessing you would have to be pretty much in the rack with the DSLAM ;)

Thanks everyone for your ADSL2 stats.... I'm winning so far :)


Darren Moss
General Manager
Australia and New Zealand
[p] 1300 131 083 [f] 03 9017 2287
[e] Darren.Moss at em3.com.au<mailto:Darren.Moss at em3.com.au> [w] www.em3.com.au<http://www.em3.com.au/>

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From: Paul Brooks [mailto:pbrooks-ausnog at layer10.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2010 12:03 AM
To: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net<mailto:ausnog at lists.ausnog.net>; Darren Moss
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Highest ADSL2 internet connection speed

On 27/07/2010 12:35 PM, Darren Moss wrote:
Hey Noggers,

We were doing some maintenance recently and I asked my team what would be the fastest ADSL2 connection speeds they have seen across our customers.

Here is the fastest we have seen...

24575/1020 Kbps

The actual attainable rate was 27008.


Location...... not Metro.......

Anyone else seen higher ?


Darren Moss
General Manager
Australia and New Zealand
[p] 1300 131 083 [f] 03 9017 2287
[e] Darren.Moss at em3.com.au<mailto:Darren.Moss at em3.com.au> [w] www.em3.com.au<http://www.em3.com.au/>

(breaks out the old spectrum interference model)

FWIW, the protocol maximum for ADSL2+ that you should see on sufficiently short and isolated loops is 28188 kbps - so you still have some headroom to be beaten!


Paul Brooks               |         Mob +61 414 366 605
Layer 10 Advisory         |         Ph  +61 2 9402 7355
Layer 10 - telecommunications strategy & network design


Matthew Moyle-Croft
Peering Manager and Team Lead - Commercial and DSLAMs
Internode /Agile
Level 5, 162 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
Email: mmc at internode.com.au<mailto:mmc at internode.com.au>    Web: http://www.on.net<http://www.on.net/>
Direct: +61-8-8228-2909      Mobile: +61-419-900-366
Reception: +61-8-8228-2999        Fax: +61-8-8235-6909

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